Issue #3 - SOLD OUT
AMAZING ARCHIVES: Terry Webb unlocks a garage full of lost model treasures.
VIDEO REVIEW: David Voigt gives insight on current modeling tapes.
DARE TO COMPARE: Terry Webb presents the hits and misses with model kits based on Ray Harryhausen’s Cyclops.
ORIENT EXPRESS: Jump on board with Terry Webb for a Japanese kit fix.
BEAST FROM THE EAST: David Barker counts down the best Godzilla kits.
MODELMANIA: David Fisher produces a look to kill with GEOmetric’s Medusa kit.
ROCKETS, RIVETS AND ROBOTS: Lee Staton focuses on the highs and lows of Horizon’s flying Hunter Killer tanks.
FEATURE INTERVIEW- STEVE WANG: Mary C. Mason interviews Hollywood’s Renaissance man on monsters, models and movies.
ARTIST PROFILE- THOMAS KUNTZ: David Fisher sheds light on Artomic Creations’ Thomas Kuntz.
MAD MODEL PARTY 2: Mike Wowczuk takes us to the West Coast’s biggest model bash.
Amazing Figure Modeler #3
No longer available.